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Image by Michael Mims



Jamaica Retreats

Wanda has a dream; after much Soul expansion, Wanda’s spirit team has guided her to the knowing that it is time to share her spiritual gifts and abilities, on a much larger scale. It is time to create a Soul Connections, spiritual retreat center in Jamaica.


Recently she realized, why she had been repeatedly drawn to Jamaica over the last 20 years. It was her twin flames, matching soul frequency, that had been beckoning to her. The universe went to great lengths to bring them back together in this lifetime, it was to create a powerful love union, for co-creation. She believes she must have lived, many past lives in Jamaica, as it feels that it is her second home.                                                                                                                            
In her dream she visualizes a comfortable, rustic Soul Connections retreat center. A vast green space with 3 structures; a main house, a guest house and a covered meeting area. Wanda has a knowing, that this magical place, will be created in the very near future.
Imagine, arriving and stepping into a portal of high-frequency love and acceptance; the mind quiets, the body relaxes and you begin discover what’s been there all along—You. Transformative, mystical retreats guided by Wanda, as Divine alchemy flows through her. Where letting go and letting the Divine do the heavy lifting is paramount. You will indulge in Soulful activities, delicious food, music and laughter, all designed to assist your upward shift, towards enlightenment. (lightening up) 
You will return home forever transformed; your frequency will be elevated so high; you will be able to manifest amazing positive changes in your own life with ease and grace. 
If this dream resonates with you, please consider supporting Wanda with a contribution towards creating, Soul Connections retreat center.


Endless gratitude, love and respect. Namaste  

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